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High Effort Training

PersonaL Training

Our training style isn't for everyone.

We train for results not entertainment.
Rather than waste time, we get to the point.

Exercising for health is like investing. 
Chasing calorie burn with chronic cardio
is like living paycheck to paycheck.

Our members workout smarter (and harder) by understanding that muscle is an asset for long-term health, daily performance, and quality of life. At Live Oak, you will get all the benefits of exercise you seek, in less than an hour per week.


Our members reclaim time and build strength by engaging in personalized high-intensity workouts that deliver measurable results.

When you invest in strength you equip yourself to maintain a healthy metabolism, reduce injury risk, and achieve a greater lifestyle.

Our version of high intensity is RARE. We optimize for safety and eliminate complexity by using precision MedX equipment to achieve smooth and controlled repetitions.

We are the ONLY facility in the Bay Area with an ENTIRE line of MedX equipment. Training on our equipment under the watchful eye of your trainer will keep you safer AND produce better results in less time than any other workout.

We give every workout full focus and 1-on-1 attention. Expert guidance and zero distractions is fundamental to achieving your best. The science is clear, people who exercise with one on one supervision produce better RESULTS.  PMID: 10862549

The level of intensity and quality at Live Oak Strength makes 2omin 2x per week an optimal dose for just about everyone.

Between workouts we encourage positive habits, fun activity, and recovery. Our workouts change the way people view themselves as high intensity achievement shows what they are truly capable of!

The average member at Live Oak Strength has been training with us for 4 YEARS with several founding members still training with us since we opened our first location in 2016. This program is sustainable for a life-time as it works with (not against) human nature and doesn't require multiple hour long workouts several days per week.


In a world of fads and flimsy new years resolutions, our community keeps showing up and working hard. We are incredibly proud of their consistency and the results they are achieving.

Commit to your health with a smart, safe, and effective workout program at Live Oak Strength. One rep. One Set. One workout at a time.

Live Oak Strength may Be For you if...

  • You've never felt at home in a gym but you understand that strength training is essential for good health.

  • You want to work with experienced, caring, capable personal trainers

  • You value the same things we value: Time, Science, Strength, Relationships, Growth Mindset.

  • You hate being slowed down by injuries, aches, and pains.

  • You're willing to unlearn everything you think you know about exercise.

  • You're willing to be pushed out of your comfort zone and grow.

  • You're willing to let go of old stories surrounding injuries and what you've been told you can't do.

  • You're prepared to work hard.

  • You're willing to focus on what you can control and let go of what you can't control.

  • You're patient and ask great questions.

  • You want to feel stronger, more confident and capable.

  • You're ready to commit to your recovery, get more sleep, and eat more protein.

  • You understand your health is not an expense, but a valuable investment.

  • You get a sense of accomplishment from hard work.

  • You think making choices backed by science is important.

  • You are prepared and early when getting to appointments.

  • You're willing to believe you're stronger than you think you are.

  • You've been told you are a clear and timely communicator.

  • You want to know the WHY behind your routine.

  • You have no interest in wasting time on exercise that doesn't work.

  • You're ready to commit to the strength training life-style for the rest of your life.

3 pillars of evidence-based exercise

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Expert Trainer

When it comes to applying exercise principles that have been proven to work, there’s no one better than an experienced, educated instructor to help guide you. At Live Oak Strength, we are frequently attending professional conferences, diving into the literature, and implementing in house continuing education requirements for all team members. This means that our instructors are true professionals, ready to help our wonderful clients get great results with exercise rooted in science.

Scientific Research

The fitness industry is inundated with misinformation, irresistible marketing, false promises, gimmicks and fads. When it comes to exercise, most programs don’t work very well, are dangerous, and unfortunately a waste of time. At Live Oak Strength, we ignore what is popular, and instead look to what the science says works for most people, safely, across a lifetime.

Everyone, including expert trainers, need communicative and supportive mentors to organize the variables to create rational exercise programming that works.

Client Input

We’re the experts, but in order to do our job well, client preference plays a huge role in how we design a personalized strength training program. Personal training should be personal. If a client does not (or cannot) adhere to the most-effective exercise method for whatever reason, then a B+ version is great because long-term adherence is really more important than striving for perfection within each individual workout. Consistency over the long-term is how to best reap all the amazing benefits that resistance training has to offer, and your input and feedback will play an important role on your strength journey with us.

you're about to Accomplish more in 20 minutes than most people do in multiple hour long workouts.
Are you ready to experience what hard work really feels like?


Why so intense?

Building strength REQUIRES intensity.


Deep muscular fatigue sends the signal that it's time for you to adapt and get stronger. Our job is to safely bring you to your edge and help you "simulate an emergency". High-Intensity does NOT have to equal high impact OR high risk. Intensity refers to your effort! 


We keep you laser focused on producing the intensity to ADAPT and TRANSFORM. 

Why only 20min Workouts?

You'd be surprised how much time people waste doing unproductive things at the gym. We've "trimmed the fat" off of your workouts and will not waste your time doing ANYTHING that isn't directly correlated to producing results.

In fact, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the intensity of your own effort matters MORE than the amount of exercise you do.

When you achieve your optimal intensity, you'll get all the benefits of strength training in an 20 minutes. Doing more will just eat away at your recovery abilities and waste your precious time!

Why just 1-2x per week?

If you workout at Live Oak Strength properly, you will not want to be here more than twice per week. You don't need to live in the gym to make progress! 

After you complete a slow-motion high effort workout, you'll need at least 2-3 rest days to supercompensate (grow stronger than you were before the previous workout).​

This means exercise doesn't have to consume your schedule, so you can enjoy your life outside the gym.

Why resistance training?

Only resistance training improves ALL of the following:

  • Muscle Quality

  • Bone Mineral Density

  • Joint Mobility

  • Balance and Stability

  • Resistance to Injury

  • Metabolic Health

  • Cardiorespiratory fitness

  • Cognitive Function

  • Emotional Well-Being

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